Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Uploading the Video to YouTube
After creating my video, I was required to distribute it with other people, the easiest way to do this was to use YouTube. As I have never used YouTube to upload a video before, I was required to make an account and activate it. After the signing up was completed, I have uploaded the video from my hard drive, giving it a title, which will be used to help the audience find it when it is typed up onto the search bar of YouTube. I have used the website to help me independently find out about how to upload the website correctly so no mistakes will occur. After uploading, it has taken several minutes to be processed.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
Talking with my Client and User Guide
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Recording and Audacity
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
When creating my template, the area in the center was left for my screen to be placed on top once it was complete, after testing the screen, I have found the animation to not stay inside the screen, this was because the center is not hollow. I also needed to rearrange the order on Macromedia Flash so that the main screen will be behind the template but as the center was not hollow, the main screen would not been seen, as a result, I will need to use Adobe Photoshop to help me remove the center of the screen making it hollow, I have used the website which explains the use of the "Delete" button on the keyboard, this can be utilised with the magic wand tool after selecting the part I did not want and remove it by pressing delete.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
For my previous screens, I have learned how to link them together thanks to the help function as well as my teacher as she has given us a tutorial lesson. But in order to link the template to the login screen which is a new screen, we will require a new code as the login screen will not fit into the template. I have then done research over the inter net and found the website, which explains the use of the code " loadMovieNum( " url ", level [ , variables ])", I have then tested this code in my project combined with "on (press)" and other codes so that it would work. In the end, I have successfully made this code work.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Saturday 28 February 2009
The animation done for my window consists of a thunder animation which will appear and dissappear, this is the same for the ghost that appears on this screen. As my knowledge was limited, I had to use the internet to help me find out how to make images "dissolve". On the net, I have found the website:, which has taught me that by changing the Alpha setting to 100%, i will be able to make my image completely invisible which is what I wanted, i can then link this with a motion tween that has an Alpha setting of 0%.
Saturday 7 March 2009
A new technique that was required for me to learn was how to input text when my SWF file loads, I did not how to do this which then required me to use the internet to help me do this, I have found the website which explains and shows the use of static, dynamic and input. By allowing me to input text, the Login Screen of my game will be more interactive for the audience to use as it involves the user.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Critical Path Analysis
Today I have looked at another type of management technique called Critical Path Analysis. Looking at the diagram and thinking about the Critical Path Analysis diagram. I have also recognised the importance of “Total Float” which shows the total amount of time I have, and “Free Float” which shows the number of delays/can be delayed. These delays may have an affect on the overall planned project, resources and time, as I will complete my project before the deadline or after the deadline. This makes the critical path analysis important as by following the diagram I will be able to plan out and compensate for the free floats.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Importance of Consistency
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Today I wanted to edit an existing image I have found using the internet so it can be used on my game; this was difficult as I wanted to remove the tree part in the image whilst merging it with the original background. This could not be done on Macromedia Flash due to the limited features it has; I have then used Adobe Photoshop to help me re-create this. By doing independent research, I have found the website which talks about using the Stone Clamp tool to merge existing parts of an image onto another part of an image, I have then adapted the Eyedropper and pencil tool which enabled me to choose a colour on the image and use the pencil tool to remove any minor parts of the image.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
I needed to find a suitable colour for my side characters, this was done by using the colour palette on Adobe Photoshop, as then colour of the turtle was very dark, it was not very appealing to my target audience, I needed to find a brighter green so that it would make it more attractive. To choose the correct green I have done research over the internet, the two website that has helped me was: and In the end I have chosen this green (#7BB539) over the other green (#639C31).
Wednesday 11 February 2009
To me, making the drag and drop game was the most fun aspect of the game. In order to create this code, a basic knowledge of scripting for Macromedia Flash was needed, our teacher has given us the basic knowledge of how to create a simple drag and drop game by explaining the code, we will then adapt the code into our own work so it can be used. As I required more information on dragging the images and to see other examples, I have used the internet which made me find the website: which enabled me to see other existing drag and drop games which I could use in my project. As making the game was difficult, i have also used the "Help" function on Macromedia Flash to help me expand my knowledge and skill on the scripting of the drag and drop game.